Monday 16 February 2015

Something To Remember

    Everyone has been through something that they will remember for their whole life. Something that is permanently glued into their brain and no matter who or how many times someone tries to take it out, they can't because that memory is safe guarded into their minds. However, some memories are good and are worth cherishing, while others are horrifying and no matter how much we want to forget about them , we simply cannot because they are engraved into our heads. Something like this happened to a young boy named Ishmael Beah, who was forced into a world of pure bloodshed and extreme terror at a young age of 12 when his family died right in front of his eyes and when he went to go seek shelter, he was made a child soldier. Watching Ishmael's videos made me realize how lucky I am to be safe and secure in my house and in my city. It made me think about how grateful I should be about the fact that when I was 12 years, I was sitting at home watching t.v. with my family. But unlike Ishmael who lost his whole family in a blink of  an eye, I can relate to him because I lost my grandfather this past Christmas due to cancer. My grandfather was my best friend. He was always that one person in the whole  family that always told me to keep going no matter how hard things got. Losing him really made me realise that I should've thanked him for all that he's done, and now that he's gone, I can't and that will always be my biggest regret. There was another article that I  read called 'Teaching Kids To Kill' and it talks about how the murder rate has increased due to video games and media and how these two factors when put together can lead to big destructions. The connections between this article and the video is that they both talk about young children that are being manipulated into doing someone else's dirty work.  The one main concept that I think is worth holding on to is courage. This one word is what I think describes Ishmael the best. Despite what he saw and went through at such a young age, he still decided to move on with his life and to do something that he knows his parents will be proud of and despite what he saw when he was young, his attitude never changed.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Islamic State Bombed By Canadian Jets

This news article is about Canadian jets that bombed an ISIS factory that was producing explosive materials in Iraq and were training soldiers on how to fight and use armed artillery. ISIS stands for Islamic State Of Iraq and Syria and was formally known as Al-Qaeda. Since 2014, this group has been causing major damages to the people of Iraq and Syria and has been killing innocent people in the name of god. They have killed many of Syria's soldiers so the people can't do anything about it.

I think that not only me but many people that are reading or seeing the news can relate to the fact that whatever is happening is wrong and no matter what religion anyone is or what beliefs they have, everyone has a bit of humanity in them and everyone has rights, so who gave ISIS the right to decide that what they are doing is what god wants them to do and that he is satisfied with whatever they are happening? Although I might not be Muslim, I do have some friends that are and they know that Allah is not happy and that killing innocent people that are weak and have no say, is not the right thing to do.

Sunday 8 February 2015

War And Conflict

 Since second semester has started, and for the past couple of days, my English class has been talking about war and conflict and what comes to mind when we think of these 2 words. The first thing that came to my mind was that a lot of people die. Weather its the soldiers or innocent civilians, people always end up dead.
     There was also one song that came to my mind. When I first heard this song, I was instantly attached to it and I hope that you guys will also love it as much as I do. Here is the link. Just click on it.

     I know that I'm not the only one who is grateful of the fact that I'm sitting at home in my bed while typing this out, and I don't have to be scared that random people will come into my house with weapons  and take me away from my family.