Friday, 27 March 2015

Remember me

     I love you

 His dad looked  at him with red eyes,
 which made the boy realize,
 that his dad is doing his best,
 to give the little boy what he never had,
 he never had enough food on his plate,
 never came home on time, always came late,
 always seeing those kids with new clothes,
 made him realize he was all alone in this world with no one to comfort him,
 with  no one to tuck him in at night,
 his dad always made sure that his little boy feels safe and secure,
 makes him feel special, always tells him I love you,
 then one night, he told me that he's sorry,
 and  the little boy asks him for what,
 he looks him in the eyes and says, Son, I want you to know something,
 I want you to know that although our relationship isn't like the others,
 I want you to know that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me but one day,
 if I'm gone I want you to move on and carry on,
the little boy jumps out of bed and huggs his father,
and says daddy, one day you may be gone,but our love will always be here, in my heart.

Because of you

I never knew you,
It was always just me,
in this big world surronded by people yet always feeling alone,
the only family I had was my father,
but I always felt like that one flower,
who's petals were more darker and were all falling one by one,
because of you, I was all alone,
because you were never there,
not when I fell, not when I wanted to be tucked in,
you weren't there to tell me that everything was going to be all right,
and because of you, I always felt like that one boy,
that didn't have a proper lunch because his dad didn't know how to pack one,
his father didn't  know that I hate the crust and that I always throw it out,
he didn't know that I want a bit more cream cheese on my bagel and that I hate olives,
becasuse you weren't there,
where were you mom?
why weren't you here?
because of you I didn't know what it was like to have someone pick me up in their arms and tell me how much they love me,
because of you.

 Promise Me

The boy sits beside his father hoping to get a last chance to talk to him, to tell his father how much he appreciates all that he's done for him,
tell his old man that he's going to make something out of his life,
tell him that he's going to make him proud,
when suddenly his thoughts are disrupted by his father's cough,
the boy hurridly goes close to his father and asks him whats wrong,
his father replies by saying son, I'm dying,
but I want you to promise me something,
I want you to promise me that whatever we couldn't do together, I want you to do it with your family,
I want you to promise me that one day, your going to make a man out of yourself,
but most importantly, the old man quickly adds, like he knows that his time is coming,
I want you to remember that no matter what you do in life, I will always be looking at you from up above,
not noticing that a tear is falling down from his left eye and is rolling down his cheek,
the boy quickly cathes the tear before it travels down his father's neck,
and whispers in his ear, I promise dad, I promise.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Dear John

   The one major issue that occurs in this book, Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks, is John not knowing that his father has a disease called Asperger. John not knowing about his father's disease not only lead to his fathers heart attack, but it also lead to problems between John and his father. Asperger is somewhat like Autism, but unlike autism, where the victim lives in their own world and do what they please, Asperger is a disease where the victim lives in the real world, but lives their lives there own way so everything that they do is repetitive, they are often quite clumsy and they only use limited verbal communications. John often tried to get his father to communicate more but he was often pushed back by his father. His father would only answer the questions that were asked to him, he would never elaborate on them. The only thing that his father liked to talk about was the coins that him and his father collected together. For example, when John wakes up early in the morning just to catch his father and to tell him about  how his evening went with Savannah, Johns father did not ask him anything, but instead just  went with his normal life and continued with making toast.
                       I found a similar news article that relates to my book.
     This news article talks about a mother who made a face book page for her 11 year old son, Colin, so that she could wish him happy birthday, because when she asked him if he wanted to have a party, he said that  he has no one to invite. When she heard this, she decided to do something about this and so she decided to make a face book page for her son so that she could help make her son happy on his birthday. The reason why he has no friends is because of a disease called Asperger, which makes you stand out because not only do you do/wear repetitive  things, you also have a lack of communication skills, so that means that you will only do or say what others ask of you.
   Dear John and this article are similar to each other, because just like how John or anyone else knew that his father had Asperger, no one knows that Colin also has a disease, and both of these people get treated unfairly. In the book, everyone thinks that Johns father is weird or retarded, because of the way that his lives his life. Everyone notices him because he stands out, he does things his own way regardless of what others say about him, nor does he talk with anyone-not even his own son. Colin is also going through something like this. He is only 11 years old, and at such a young age he doesn't have anyone to talk to. In the article, his mom talks about how Colin had a birthday party in kinder garden and only one kid showed up. Imagine being a 5 year old, and inviting all of your classmates only to have one show up. People don't know about Colin's disease and so they just try to ignore him because they think that will solve everything. People don't know why Colin is the way he is, and so they judge him based on what they see.
   I guess the old saying is true. People are scared of what they don't know, and this is visible to see in these 2 stories.moms surprise birthday party